If you are looking for someone who is qualified to list your home on MLS and qualified to walk you through the legal paperwork to sell your home, you can hire just about any Realtor.
On the other hand, if you are looking for someone who can hold the line and represent your interests when dealing with the Buyer’s agent who wants you to go below your bottom line, if you’re looking for someone who can effectively deal with people who are stressed over such a serious purchase, if you are looking for someone with a TON of experience that results in an almost intuitive feel for the current market and how to best to present your home in that market, if you’re looking for someone with a proven ability to negotiate with the bank in your best interests under the stress of a short-sale, if you’re looking for someone who won’t waste your time with minutia but will deal with it head-on, if you’re looking for a straigh-shooter who is transparent with what is going on behind the scenes, if you’re looking for someone to help you logically and realisticly view the offer in front of you, well after having bought and sold eight homes, I’ve only met one of those. James Strum.